Rustikveida sveču komplekts “Latvija” (komplektā 3 sveces)
Rustikveida sveču komplekts “Latvija” (komplektā 3 sveces)
Elegants rustikveida sveču komplekts “ Latvija”, 2 bordo krāsas, viena balta.
Izmērs ⌀ 6x15,5 cm, svars 0.39 kg, degšanas ilgums ~60h.
Rustikveida sveces ražo mehāniski lejot parafīnu speciālās formās. Sveču virsma veidojas matēta un nevienmērīga, tai var būt arī mazi caurumiņi gaisa burbuļu dēļ, kuri var veidoties liešanas procesā. Šāda virsma svecēm piešķir senatnīgu izskatu. Tāpat rezultātā būs redzamas parafīna kārtas. Rustika sveces var apstrādāt dažādām tehnikām, iegūstot gan faktūru, gan zīmējumus vai lakotu virsmu. Šīs sveces nav tik nevainojami gludas un spīdīgas, kā pulverspiestās, bet ar skaistu, siltu toni. Dažkārt ar saplaisājuma efektu, ko var panākt, sveci strauji atdzesējot.
Instructions for use of candles
Soy and beeswax candles
Burn the soy and beeswax candle for up to 3 hours on the first burn to allow the wax pool to form. This will ensure that the candle burns out more evenly.
Stearin candles
Rustic candles
General Information
Keep candles out of the reach of children and pets.
Make sure that the length of the burner does not exceed 1 cm.
If you notice smoke or soot, extinguish the candle and turn the burner.
Do not burn candles in a draft.
Do not touch or move a burning candle.
Do not let the candle burn to the very base.
Make sure the candle holder is suitable for the type of candle you are using.
Make sure the candles are stable and cannot tip over.
Use only fireproof surfaces.
Use a special candle extinguisher to extinguish candles.
Do not use candles near fabric, curtains and furniture.
Remember that the desired distance between lit candles is at least 10 cm.
Do not place candles near other heat sources (on televisions, radiators, lit stoves or fireplaces). Do not leave candles in direct sunlight.
Do not allow the flame to come into direct contact with decorative candle applications, candlesticks, glass (it may break).
Be careful - lamps, candlesticks and other containers in which candles burn can get hot.
Remove (skim or cut off) any excess paraffin that forms during candle burning. This is especially important when burning block candles.